Sunday, January 4, 2009

The End of My Vacation

So I've been on vacation the past two weeks from work. I believe I've mentioned before (or maybe I haven't) that I'm a third grade teacher. For the most part, I did pretty well. I worked out everyday, except for Friday. I took Friday off, because I've been so sore that my body was begging me for a break. The old me would have felt very guilty about that, but mostly I just resigned myself to it and said, "I need this break!" And it was back on the treadmill yesterday.

So I listen to two podcasts that I've found EXTREMELY helpful. One is Inside Out Weight Loss by Renee Stephens. The other is Yell At Your Fat by Wendy someone. hehe I hope these are the right links. If not, I will check and update ASAP. I'm still figuring out this whole blogger thing and how to add links and whatnot, so this is a work in progress.

About these two podcasts...Inside Out Weight Loss or IOWL is focused on the behaviors behind weight gain and weight loss. It's opened my eyes to a lot of things about why I do the things I do. I love it. I love listening to's like going home whenever I hear Renee's voice. LOL Seriously, it is. Cheesy, though that may be. It actually took me a couple of episodes to get into. It's kinda new agey, but I find it soothing and helpful.

Yell at Your Fat is freaking awesome. It's funny and entertaining, as well as informative and motivational.

I highly recommend them both.

As for other things I can currently of the books that Wendy recommends on her website is Skinny Bitch. And I wish I could remember the authors names. I'm currently reading it. Great sense of humour...though in a mean way.

As for me...I'm still hovering right at 260. I guess I let myself splurge a little too much during the holidays. I went grocery shopping last week and have some loose menu plans in mind, so I'm doing better. It helps that I pretty much have become a hermit in my own city, due to an ex-girlfriend that lives close by and that I totally don't want to run into. LOL Yes, this is one of many items I'm working on in therapy. I'll get over it eventually.

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